Our Adventures
Come back often to see some Flatwater Overland adventures large and small!
Waypoint :: Splendor
Weekend canyoneering in Utah with the Triple Aught Design community
Waypoint :: Peppersauce
Weekend adventure caving in Arizona with Triple Aught Design
Fenrir’s Page
Everyone loves gratuitous dog pictures. Here’s a whole page devoted to our 4-legged adventure partner! Life with Fen is a Journey all its own.
Waypoint :: Kingston
Single day off road and hiking a “13’er” in the Rockies with the Triple Aught Design community.
Trail Recon
Multiple days in summer 2018 scouting on the Rimrocker Trail from Montrose, Colorado to Moab, Utah
Waypoint :: Gemini
One day, two nights in Moab with the Triple Aught Design community.
Waypoint :: Ironclads
Single day adventure with the Triple Aught Design community on the Colorado front range.
Return to the Swell 2017
A Journey back to the spectacular San Rafael Swell for another trip of firsts with a good friend and a new adventure Jeep.
CDR 2011
Our most ambitious adventure to date, we traced a version of the Continental Divide Ride from the Canadian to Mexican borders. A journey that was years in the planning and spanned over two weeks and a couple thousand miles.
San Rafael Swell 2009
This initial Flatwater Overland adventure to a long anticipated destination in the Utah desert became the genesis of Flatwater Overland and a favorite place to explore whenever the opportunity arises. We learned much on this trip that has shaped every journey since.